Summer Internship Program 2024

Untitled Design

We are thrilled to introduce our three summer interns! Each intern worked in different departments—one in Commercial, one in Residential, and one in IT. Throughout the summer months, they focused on department-specific projects, research, and applicable tasks.

We’re excited to have this fresh, dynamic energy in our office. These interns are already proving to be valuable additions, and we look forward to cultivating lasting relationships with these talented young individuals.

Ella C

Residential Summer Intern

School:  University of San Diego

College Major: Business Administration with a Minor in Environmental Studies + Policy

Question: What has been the most exciting project that you have worked on during your internship so far?

The most exciting project for me has been the Community Garden/Gathering Place Project for Wildwood Apartments. I started with no knowledge of gardening, especially on the scale of a residential area. Through this project, I am learning a great deal about project management, the residents of Wildwood, and the meticulous steps needed to ensure the best results for the company and the residents.


Jackson H

Commercial Summer Intern

School: University of Washington

College Major: Real Estate

Question: What has been the most exciting project that you have worked on during your internship so far?

The project that has been the most exciting for me is working on coordinating the Corvette car show at Evergreen Chevrolet and designing and tracking metrics to measure the impact of the event on Hyla Crossing tenants and the neighborhood as a whole.


Raghav S  

IT Summer Intern

School: Skyline High School

Focus: Computer Science

Question: What has been the most exciting project that you have worked on during your internship so far?

The most exciting project I’ve worked on is the Ethernet Mapping Cables project. I took each person’s ethernet cable, plugged it into the LAN, and tracked it back to the server room. Using a guess-and-check method, I identified where each cable led on the backend. I did this for all devices with an ethernet cord and recorded the data in an Excel spreadsheet. It was super fun and intriguing.


We are so appreciative of their work! And they all brought fresh ideas, great energy and a new perspective to several areas of our business. Thank You Ella, Jackson and Raghav!